Tuesday, June 27, 2006

suka patch update --

i lifted this from elaine's blog... but i wanted to give a garden update, and i know (hope) she won't mind...

The Suka Patch has grown lush and green since my last garden posting. Below is a view of the sweet peppers box - they aren't ripe yet, but there is fruit on the vine!

The tomato plants are enormous and need to be pinched and tied. We harvest greens almost every day - and they are delish. The arugula is super-spicy.

One of my main reasons for having a garden is being able to grow my own cucumbers. After growing up on fresh Japanese cukes from mom's garden, it is so hard to eat store-bought American ones . My cuke plants are doing very well and I'm hoping they continue to do so. They are a bit overshadowed by the zucchini plants, but they are growing fine along the fence.

All that in this delightful garden grows
should happy be and have immortal bliss
~ Edmund Spencer

compliments of elaine....
thanks elaine

all of this rain is going to make the garden crazy fruitful. i am so excited for bruchetta

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