Thursday, June 22, 2006

change of heart

i am not sure what is going on, but ever since i have been back from durban the girls have been little dreams come true. they are funny and kind. the number of fights have dramatically decreased. they don't pick at each other and they are just behaving so much better that the don't end up in trouble. we are having so much fun lately. and i am looking forward to coming home at the end of the day rather than wishing i could just somehow stay in my safe contained office.

jennifer has taken to calling both lindsay and i "yo-ma" short for "your mama". this is a bit concerning...but ... we are trying to deflect it.

we are all super excited for our "framily" vacation this summer. we are going to boston and maine for the week of the independence day. we are planning our trip, so if you have suggestions, please share.

this is how they looked when they found out what we were doing...

they are SOOOOOO excited to fly

lindsay used to live in boston and is the self proclaimed "best boston tour guide you could ever want". i have been once before with her, and it is true. we know nothing about maine and are really hoping to see some beautiful scenery and ride some bikes and hike in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loving the blog, I hope you are taking notes for the screenplay/novel of it all. Have a nice trip to Boston and Maine. See you soon! Kimabeson