Friday, November 03, 2006

when push comes to shove

so, we are at our wits end. we are not sure what to do with paulette. it is clear that our house is not as structured as she needs. she will be getting more extensive therapy the next few weeks and possibly entering one of these anasazi-type programs.

it is amazing how many families have seriously considered making paulette a part of their family, but when they hear the extent of he behaviour problems they feel like it might not be the best thing. we hold out hope that there is a family out there that is right for her (and where she is right for them) but that hope fades.

because we are at such a loss for a long-term option for her. and dealing with fading hope, we are fasting this sunday on paulette's behalf. we will offer prayers focused on finding paulette a place to live long-term, find a solution for her troubling behaviour, and that she may know we all love her. i really really really hope this helps.

lindsay told paulette about the fast this morning as she took paulette to school. apparently sasha bruce (the place she is staying) is having a horrible impact on her language. she sounds super ghetto these days. she apparently was "talking smack" for quite a bit, then lindsay explained the special congregation-wide fast to her and she fell silent. i am sure that it really struck her that this is happening.

so we invite all of you who read this board and feel inclined to please join us in fasting this sunday. us mormons do this fasting thing regularly: once a month for 24 hours. but you don't have to do that...unless of course you want.

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